police station

police headquarters for a particular district, from which police officers are dispatched and to which persons under arrest are brought.
Also called station house.
Examples from the web for police station
  • The police station is a few yards away, but the officers on patrol show no interest in the line of customers.
  • On the other hand, the pressures that can be brought to bear in a police station are much stronger than those in a lab.
  • The police station lodging-house, where the soft side of a plank is the regulation couch, is next in order.
  • Well, they took him to that police station-that is here-with a suitable escort.
  • Don't be shy about making introductions at the local police station, military base, or aid organizations.
  • While she was at the police station, giving out with more fingerprints, she happened to see the card that had been sent back.
  • His brains went all over the side of the police station.
  • At the police station, they photographed his body for signs of scratches or bruises.
  • Shocked villagers dragged them to a police station, where they confessed.
  • OB's political prisoners are kept in a row of small cells, next to those of the police station.
British Dictionary definitions for police station

police station

the office or headquarters of the police force of a district